Hello! This time I will tell about my subject for this semester. Now I am in semester 3 for the second year, course Diploma in Banking. I have seven subjects for this semester. My total credit unit is 18.0. My subject is English for Academic Purposes (BEL311), Introduction To statistics (QMT216), Macroeconomics (ECO211), Fundamentals of Finance (FIN262), Mandarin Language 1 (BMD101), Fundamental of Islamic Economics (CTU241) and Hockey 1 (HSL119).
Firstly, BEL311 is teaching by Mr. Izuan. He is a nice lecturer and understanding to his students. I will explain now about this subject. The on-going assessment is 60% that divided by written assignment for 30% (pair work of outline-5%, first draft-10%, final draft-15%), speaking test 20% that must have group of four student, discuss on a problem solving situation, 5 minutes for preparation and 15-20 minutes for discussion. Then, attendance 10% that will be punctuality, participation and timely submission of assignments. The final examinations have only 40%. The paper is in 3 hours and has part A for reading (20%) and part B for writing (20%). These carry marks will given by lecturer. The credit unit for this subject is 3.0 and contact hours are six.
Next, QMT216 is teaching by Miss Arfah binti Ahmad. She is a young lecturer because in 23 years old she now become as a lecturer. I think, she is a smart and genius person. My explanation for this subject is it has only 40% for carry marks. Divided by test 1 (10%), test 2 (10%), project (10%) and assignment & quizzes (10%). Final examinations have 60% marks. This subject has eight topics. The content is introduction, data presentation from organizing & graphing qualitative data and quantitative data. After that, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and skewness, simple regression and correlation (correlation & simple linear regression), index number, time series and last topic is probability. The credit unit is 3.0 and contact hours are four. This course status is core.
Moreover, the next subject is ECO211 that teaching by PM Abdullah. He is Chinese-Malay person. His voice is loud at class. I like to hear his explanation in class because it is clearly explanation. This subject continuous assessment is 40% that divided by mid-term test 20%, quizzes 10% and assignments 10%. The final examination is 60% that have part A for objective question 20%, part B for simple case 10%, calculation 20%, and basic concept 10%. Then, part C is essay question is 40%. This subject has seven topics that is introduction to macroeconomics, measuring national income and output. Then, money, banking & financial system, public finance, macroeconomic problems, international economics and the last topic is economic growth. The course discusses the principles and concepts in macroeconomics, such as national income, macroeconomic problems and policies and international economics. In addition, the course also encompasses the application of concepts and principles of macroeconomics in analyzing economic issues. Students will also be exposed to Islamic economics wherever applicable. The credit hour is three and status is core.
Furthermore, the next subject is FIN262 that teaching by Mr. Syamsul. He is a good and nice lecturer. For this subject, the assessment have test 1 (15%), test 2 (15%), participation (5%), assignment (5%) and final examination is 60%. The syllabus content has nine topics that is introduction, financial analysis, financing forecasting and planning. Then, working capital management, cash & marketable securities management, short term financing, long term financing, mathematics of finance and lastly is capital budgeting. This course is an introductory course and enables students to understand the basic concept of finance. The credit unit is 4.0 and a contact hour is four. This subject status is core.
On the other hand, CTU241 is teaching by Ustaz Nawawi. Before him, Ustaz Kamarulzaman is teaching my classes but he is busy with his work. Ustaz Nawawi is a nice lecturer and always make jokes. CTU241 have 2.0 credit hours. This subject have 40% carry marks and 60% for final examination.
After that, I take mandarin subject that teaching by Mr. Lim Yoon Chong. He is a good and nice lecturer. He was teaching us mandarin language systematically. This subject is do not have final examination. It is same like hockey’s subject. These subjects contain 2.0-credit unit. Hockey’s coach is Mr. Halim that is working at HEA. For me, he is a good coach.
Okay my friends, I will stop this entry only for this time. See again at the next entry for next time. Bye everybody! Wassalam.
Firstly, BEL311 is teaching by Mr. Izuan. He is a nice lecturer and understanding to his students. I will explain now about this subject. The on-going assessment is 60% that divided by written assignment for 30% (pair work of outline-5%, first draft-10%, final draft-15%), speaking test 20% that must have group of four student, discuss on a problem solving situation, 5 minutes for preparation and 15-20 minutes for discussion. Then, attendance 10% that will be punctuality, participation and timely submission of assignments. The final examinations have only 40%. The paper is in 3 hours and has part A for reading (20%) and part B for writing (20%). These carry marks will given by lecturer. The credit unit for this subject is 3.0 and contact hours are six.
Next, QMT216 is teaching by Miss Arfah binti Ahmad. She is a young lecturer because in 23 years old she now become as a lecturer. I think, she is a smart and genius person. My explanation for this subject is it has only 40% for carry marks. Divided by test 1 (10%), test 2 (10%), project (10%) and assignment & quizzes (10%). Final examinations have 60% marks. This subject has eight topics. The content is introduction, data presentation from organizing & graphing qualitative data and quantitative data. After that, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and skewness, simple regression and correlation (correlation & simple linear regression), index number, time series and last topic is probability. The credit unit is 3.0 and contact hours are four. This course status is core.
Moreover, the next subject is ECO211 that teaching by PM Abdullah. He is Chinese-Malay person. His voice is loud at class. I like to hear his explanation in class because it is clearly explanation. This subject continuous assessment is 40% that divided by mid-term test 20%, quizzes 10% and assignments 10%. The final examination is 60% that have part A for objective question 20%, part B for simple case 10%, calculation 20%, and basic concept 10%. Then, part C is essay question is 40%. This subject has seven topics that is introduction to macroeconomics, measuring national income and output. Then, money, banking & financial system, public finance, macroeconomic problems, international economics and the last topic is economic growth. The course discusses the principles and concepts in macroeconomics, such as national income, macroeconomic problems and policies and international economics. In addition, the course also encompasses the application of concepts and principles of macroeconomics in analyzing economic issues. Students will also be exposed to Islamic economics wherever applicable. The credit hour is three and status is core.
Furthermore, the next subject is FIN262 that teaching by Mr. Syamsul. He is a good and nice lecturer. For this subject, the assessment have test 1 (15%), test 2 (15%), participation (5%), assignment (5%) and final examination is 60%. The syllabus content has nine topics that is introduction, financial analysis, financing forecasting and planning. Then, working capital management, cash & marketable securities management, short term financing, long term financing, mathematics of finance and lastly is capital budgeting. This course is an introductory course and enables students to understand the basic concept of finance. The credit unit is 4.0 and a contact hour is four. This subject status is core.
On the other hand, CTU241 is teaching by Ustaz Nawawi. Before him, Ustaz Kamarulzaman is teaching my classes but he is busy with his work. Ustaz Nawawi is a nice lecturer and always make jokes. CTU241 have 2.0 credit hours. This subject have 40% carry marks and 60% for final examination.
After that, I take mandarin subject that teaching by Mr. Lim Yoon Chong. He is a good and nice lecturer. He was teaching us mandarin language systematically. This subject is do not have final examination. It is same like hockey’s subject. These subjects contain 2.0-credit unit. Hockey’s coach is Mr. Halim that is working at HEA. For me, he is a good coach.
Okay my friends, I will stop this entry only for this time. See again at the next entry for next time. Bye everybody! Wassalam.